True Love Classic Rose Bouquet
True Love Classic Rose Bouquet
Classics never go out of style. Tell them “I love you” with our signature rose bouquet. Each of our rose bouquets is arranged in our Flowers by Eryn style, so your bouquet is unique to you.
We have three sizes of rose bouquets available:
1 dozen roses
18 roses
2 dozen roses
No matter which rose bouquet you choose, roses are a perfect option to adorn any space.
As we order seasonally, our rose bouquets use one variety and color of rose weekly. Each bouquet is created in our modern and whimsical Flowers by Eryn style.
Rose bouquets are available to pick-up at our shop in Bend during our regular business hours or you can choose to have your roses delivered in Bend. Delivery is available Tuesday through Saturday.
Rose Bouquet FAQs
Our signature rose bouquets come in a 7x5 inch glass vase.
With proper care rose bouquets should last a week or longer. To prolong the life of your roses, you can follow our flower care instructions.
As we order seasonally, our rose bouquets use one variety and color of rose weekly. With advance notice, we may be able to accommodate a particular type or color request. If you have a specific request, send us a message to let us know how we can help.
Yes! When checking out, you will be prompted to add a message to the recipient. All messages are handwritten for a special intimate touch.